SAGE Journal Articles

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The Person-Centered Approach Meets Neuroscience: Mutual Support for C. R. Rogers's and A. Damasio's Theories

Renate Motschnig-Pitrik and Michael Lux

Neuroscience offers new ways and levels to look into the functioning of our organisms. In this article, the authors aim to view Carl Rogers’s theory of personality and behavior in light of Antonio Damasio’s theories and hypotheses concerning emotions, feelings, and conscious thought. Several ways accrue in which neuroscience and psychology complement one another in producing a more complete and, hence, reliable image of human functioning

  1. How can Damasio’s theory be complemented and enriched by Rogers’s insights on particular attitudes?
  2. According to Damasio, to allow us to enter the inner world of another and to understand him or her, nature has equipped us with what?
  3. How do both Damasio and Rogers explain cooperative behavior?

Neuroscience Applications in Marital and Family Therapy

A. Eugene Tootle

This article addresses the importance of a basic understanding of neuroscience in marital, couple, and family therapy training and practice. It examines the biological and physiological processes underlying emotions, memory, and neurochemistry, and emphasizes their impact on behavior.

  1. What contributions have neuroscience made contributions to our understanding of memory and learning and how can family therapists benefit significantly from study in this area?
  2. List a few brain-based family interventions.
  3. Describe a few of the mental health issues that are examples of problems with strong emotional components that can upset the central nervous system, disrupt our emotional balance, and create behavioral and adjustment problems.