Web Resources

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American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines: This website gives practice guidelines for a number of mental disorders. It is highly recommended that therapists review this website to see what evidence-based treatment has been established for working with clients who have specific, diagnosed disorders. This website should be useful in insurance reimbursement because it indicates the appropriate standard of care for specific mental disorders.

Inner Life: Selective Treatment: This website provides online assessment and treatment matching based on 30 years of research on systematic treatment. It generates an individualized, yet comprehensive report for treatment plans. Selective treatment provides you with a simple, yet comprehensive, snapshot of your mental health profile or that for a family member’s current mental health profile.

Multitheoretical Therapy: This website is the official homepage for Brooks-Harris’ (2008) Multitheoretical Therapy. I recommend this approach to psychotherapy integration because the model is an easy one to follow and offers great promise. Multitheoretical Psychotherapy (MTP) provides a way to understand the relationship between psychotherapy theories based on the way these approaches focus on different dimensions.

  • MTP describes a catalog of key strategies that counselors can learn over time.
  • MTP describes a method of integrative treatment planning based on collaborative dialogue with individual clients.
  • MTP uses the following focal dimensions for theory integration: thoughts, actions, feelings, biology, interpersonal patterns, social systems, and cultural contexts.

Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: This website contains the homepage of SEPI, the foremost integration organization. It gives information on professional membership, conferences, the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, and training opportunities.

Transtheoretical Model: This is the homepage of the transtheoretical model. It gives publications, measures, and research studies on the stages of change.