Effective Instructional Strategies: From Theory to Practice
SAGE Journal Articles
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Article 1: Beyer, B.K. (1987). Planning a Thinking-Skills Curriculum--Key Questions For Principals To Consider. NASSP Bulletin, 71 (501), 101-112.
Abstract: Administrators interested in exploring the options available to schools organizing for a curriculum in thinking skills will find a discussion in this article of the pros and cons of each option. The writer's aim is to describe, in short, the ingredients of such a curriculum.
Article 2: Prieto, M.D., Parra, J., Ferrando, M., Ferrandiz, C., Bermejo, M.R., & Sanchez, C. (2006).
Creative abilities in early childhood. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4 (3), 277-290.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to explore creativity in Spanish children during their early years and to explore differences regarding gender and age. We have used a sample of 285 children between five and seven years old. To measure their creativity we used the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT). We have used the test of figured expression that is orientated to evaluate the level of imagination in producing pictures. It consists of three subtests: making a picture; finishing a picture; and making different patterns using parallel lines. The abilities that are assessed with this test are: originality, which consists in considering innovative answers, neither familiar nor inappropriate; elaboration, which refers to the amount of detail the child adds to the picture with the aim of enriching it; flexibility, the variety of categories in the answers; and fluency or the number of pictures with titles (Torrance, 1966, 1974). The results show significant evidence of differences relating to gender and age.
Article 3: Simister, J. (2004). To think or not to think: a preliminary investigation into the effects of teaching thinking. Improving Schools, 7 (3), 243-254.
Abstract: Opinion may be unnecessarily divided as to whether it is possible to teach skills such as critical and creative thinking as subjects in their own right or whether students would more usefully develop such skills within the context of their curriculum subjects. A study was undertaken into the effects of teaching a 25-lesson ‘thinking skills' syllabus to a group of Year 5 pupils. The results suggested that pupils' curiosity, inventiveness, discussion skills, ability to think laterally about given situations, and understanding of the decision-making process can all be enhanced through specific skills teaching. This would imply that a longer-term programme could have a significant impact. A two-pronged approach is proposed, where thinking skills - rather like reading and writing - are taught initially in a child friendly, exam-free context and then are integrated throughout the curriculum.
Article 4: Cheng, P. (1993). Metacognition and giftedness: The state of the relationship. Gifted Child Quarterly, 37 (3), 105-112.
Abstract: This paper offers a critical examination of the relationship between metacognition and giftedness. First, the role of metacognition in giftedness is explored in the context of current conceptions of giftedness proposed by different theorists. Second, in an attempt to search for empirical evidence linking metacognitiori to giftedness, various studies of giftedness are reviewed. It is concluded that theoretical and research support is offered for the important role of metacognition in understanding and explaining giftedness. Finally, rather than arguing that the relationship between metacognition and giftedness is clear-cut and conclusive, unresolved issues are discussed and suggestions for future investigations are made.
Article 5: Desoete, A., Roeyers, H., & Buysee, A. (2001). Metacognition and mathematical problem solving in grade 3. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 34 (5), 435-447.
Abstract: This article presents an overview of two studies that examined the relationship between metacognition and mathematical problem solving in 165 children with average intelligence in Grade 3 in order to help teachers and therapists gain a better understanding of contributors to successful mathematical performance. Principal components analysis on metacognition revealed that three metacognitive components (global metacognition, off-line metacognition, and attribution to effort) explained 66% to 67% of the common variance. The findings from these studies support the use of the assessment of off-line metacognition (essentially prediction and evaluation) to differentiate between average and above-average mathematical problem solvers and between students with a severe or moderate specific mathematics learning disability.
Article 6: Leff, H., & Nevin, A. (1990). Dissolving barriers to teaching creative thinking (and meta-thinking). Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 13 (1), 36-39.
Abstract: Barriers to teaching and learning creative thinking and meta-thinking seem to be related to teaching and learning any new concept. Paradoxically, the very thinking processes inhibited by these barriers offer promising pathways to dissolving the barriers themselves. This article outlines both the specific barriers and some directions for solutions.
Article 7: Udall, A.J., & High, M.H. (1989). What Are They Thinking When We're Teaching Critical Thinking?
Gifted Child Quarterly, 33 (4), 156-160.
Abstract: The teaching of critical thinking is an important part of gifted program curricula. This descriptive study addresses the issue of the effectiveness of such teaching by comparing student perceptions of a lesson on critical thinking with teachers' stated objectives. The students' perceptions were compared to their teachers' stated objective obtained in separate interviews. Teacher and student responses were stimulated by videotapes of the lessons. The findings indicate that gifted students are able to identify the teacher's intentions and to articulate their own mental processes as they work through a thinking procedure in a lesson.