Effective Instructional Strategies: From Theory to Practice
Fourth Edition
Chapter Summary
- Chapter Summary
- This chapter focused on the integrated teaching methods. The main points associated with specific objectives were as follows:
- Learning Objective 1: Describe the purpose, structure, function, and implementation of the demonstration method, Socratic method, concept attainment strategy, and cooperative learning method.
- Demonstrations can be an effective learning device in many fields. Demonstrations can actively involve students in their own learning when used appropriately. Teachers should always practice a demonstration before doing it in class; have all materials at hand; go slowly; repeat components often; and, above all, make it simple and to the point.
- The Socratic method of teaching is designed to draw information from students through the use of questions. Application of the Socratic teaching method calls for the teacher to focus the questioning sequence on a single student, then another, and then another.
- The concept attainment strategy uses a structured inquiry process. Students learn concepts by comparing and contrasting examples and nonexamples of the concepts.
- Cooperative learning has emerged as a promising instructional approach. Forms of cooperative learning include peer tutoring, student teams achievement division, group investigation, and the jigsaw strategy.
- Graphic organizers can be valuable teaching aids when students are working in groups.
- Learning Objective 2: Identify and explain the three-step procedure for role playing and suggest ways to use role playing in the classroom.
- Role playing is useful in getting students to look at the motives behind actions and behaviors.
- The three components of role playing are the situation, the role playing, and the follow-up discussion.
- Learning Objective 3: Describe and differentiate between simulations and games and the benefits and limitations associated with their use.
- Simulations are problem situations that are intended to represent reality.
- Educational games involve students in decision-making roles.
- Learning Objective 4: Describe blended learning, individualized instruction, independent study, and mastery learning.
- Blended learning combines face-to-face classroom methods and online activities, extending learning beyond the classroom.
- Individualized strategies include individualized instruction, independent study, mastery learning, and drill and practice.
- Individualized instruction is designed to engage students in learning plans tailored to meet their interests, needs, and abilities. Independent study is any educational activity carried out by an individual with little or no guidance. Mastery learning is a group approach to teaching that provides a high degree of individualization for students.
- Individualization can be provided by having students work at their own pace on different objectives, work with different materials, and work on essays or projects.
- Mastery learning represents a model of instruction where students continue their work on unit objectives until mastery is achieved.
- Learning Objective 5: Identify the benefits and limitations associated with blended learning and individualization of instruction.
- Blended learning gives students some control over their learning time, place, and pace.
- Learning material is timely and relevant. However, students need teacher support.
- Individualization can be effective at any grade level.
- Individualization can leave students on their own too much, which can result in much wasted time.
- Learning Objective 6: Describe the purpose of integrating drill and practice activities and technology into instructional delivery.
- Computer integration into the curriculum can be highly motivational and will often result in better learning for students.
- Drill and practice provide students with needed accuracy or speed. Drill is usually concerned with the recall of associations, whereas practice is more often concerned with improvement.