SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Quinn, D.M. (2003). Legal Issues in Educational Technology: Implications for School Leaders. Educational Administration Quarterly, 39 (2), 187-207 

Abstract: New technologies have the potential to revolutionize the educational system. Advancements in educational technology are taking place so swiftly that statutory and case law are continually developing and striving to keep the pace. Repercussions for school leaders are significant and include technology-related issues involving freedom of speech, harassment, privacy, special education, plagiarism, and copyright concerns. School leaders need to be mindful of these emerging legal conditions and understand the importance of professional development training for educators on technology and the law. With this in mind, the school law researcher and professor’s role should be to communicate frequently with educators about new statutes and how to apply legal concepts and frameworks to these developing situations.

Article 2: Bridges, D.L., & Lache DeVaull, F. (1999). Now That We Have It, What Do We Do with It?: Using the Web in the Classroom.  Intervention in School and Clinic, 34, 181-187. 

Abstract: No abstract available

Article 3: Harrison, T.M. & Barthel, B. (2009). Wielding New Media in Web 2.0: Exploring the History of Engagement with the Collaborative Construction of media products. New Media & Society, 11(1-2), 155-178. 

Abstract: This article explores what is new about Web 2.0, the contemporary cutting-edge platform for web development, differentiating between what is celebrated in the discourse of Web 2.0 and what is genuinely novel about this phenomenon, which is users' propensity to construct content in the form of information and media products for the web environment. It argues that, from the perspective of theoretical treatments of the 'active audience', audiences or media users have created media content on a long-term and consistent historical basis for purposes related to radical and community movements. The article further considers expressive and aesthetic dimensions of Web 2.0 content construction through a discussion of three historical case studies of 'participatory public art' which, it is suggested, constitute a useful analogy for understanding similarly oriented Web 2.0 content construction. Finally, it proposes topics and questions that should figure prominently in research agendas addressing Web 2.0 phenomena in the future.

Article 4: Greenhow, C., Robelia, B., & Hughes, J.E. (2009). Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship in a Digital Age: Web 2.0 and Classroom Research: What Path Should We Take Now? Educational Researcher, 38(4), 246-259. 

Abstract: Since Windschitl first outlined a research agenda for the World Wide Web and classroom research, significant shifts have occurred in the nature of the Web and the conceptualization of classrooms. Such shifts have affected constructs of learning and instruction, and paths for future research. This article discusses the characteristics of Web 2.0 that differentiate it from the Web of the 1990s, describes the contextual conditions in which students use the Web today, and examines how Web 2.0’s unique capabilities and youth’s proclivities in using it influence learning and teaching. Two important themes, learner participation and creativity and online identity formation, emerged from this analysis and support a new wave of research questions. A stronger research focus on students’ everyday use of Web 2.0 technologies and their learning with Web 2.0 both in and outside of classrooms is needed. Finally, insights on how educational scholarship might be transformed with Web 2.0 in light of these themes are discussed.

Article 5: Vandebosch, H., & Van Cleemput, K. (2009). Cyberbullying Among Youngsters: Profiles of Bullies and Victims. New Media & Society, 11(8), 1349-1371. 

Abstract: A survey among 2052 primary and secondary school children reveals that cyberbullying among youngsters is not a marginal problem. However, there are discrepancies between the prevalence figures based on direct measurement versus indirect measurement of cyberbullying. Youngsters who have bullied someone via the internet or mobile phone during the last three months are younger, and are more often victims and bystanders of bullying via the internet or mobile phone, and are more often the perpetrators of traditional bullying. Youngsters who have been bullied via the internet or mobile phone during the last three months are more dependent upon the internet, feel less popular, take more internet-related risks, are more often a bystander and perpetrator of internet and mobile phone bullying, and are less often a perpetrator and more often a victim of traditional bullying. The implications for future research into cyberbullying and for cyberbullying prevention strategies are discussed.

Article 6: Patchin, J.W., & Hinduja, S. (2010). Trends in Online Social Networking: Adolescent Use of MySpace Over Time. New Media & Society, 12(2), 197-216.

Abstract: MySpace has received a significant amount of negative attention from the media and many concerned adults, who point to several isolated incidents where predators have contacted, become involved with and even assaulted adolescents whom they met through the popular social networking web site. Furthermore, concerned parents have expressed discontent with the amount and type of personal and private information youth seem to reveal on their profile pages. In 2006, the authors performed an extensive content analysis of approximately 2423 randomly sampled adolescent MySpace profiles, and found that the vast majority of youth were making responsible choices with the information they shared online. In this follow-up study, the authors revisited the profiles one year later to examine the extent to which the content had changed. Though exceptions occur, youth are increasingly exercising discretion in posting personal information on MySpace and more youth are limiting access to their profile. Moreover, a significant number of youth appear to be abandoning their profiles or MySpace altogether.