Further Reading and Templates

Assessing Your Presentation Skills

Read through the skills listed in the table and indicate how good you think you are at each of them. Ask a friend who has seen one of your presentations to give you some feedback.

Comparing Presentations and Essays 

Click to learn more about the similarities and differences between essays and presentations, and the ways in which they can be assessed. 

Criteria for Assessing a Typical Group Presentation 

Click for a table outlining the criteria for assessing a typical group presentation (along with descriptions of what each rating might mean).

Group Presentations 

There are a number of key issues to consider when preparing for and delivering a group presentation. Click for an overview of these, as well as useful tips and guidance.


Click for a checklist and advice on preparing and delivering presentations. 

Showing Passion in Presentations

Two FOR YOU TO DO exercises aimed at helping you make your presentations more engaging. 

The 4Ps – Problem Solving Presentations

Click for an overview of the '4 Ps'. Presentations based on ‘problem-based case studies’ often need to follow this kind of a structure.