SAGE Journal Articles
You can access here SAGE articles that show how different kinds of data are interpreted. Hopkins (2014) explains the collection of qualitative data to understand how Sikh men negotiate their identities in Scotland. The article then presents some of this data as extended quotes with Hopkins making sense of this information to forge an argument about how such men employ strategies in the face of being positioned as ‘strangers’ in the places they live. In the paper by Dittmer (2007), he demonstrates how we might analyse a text such as a comic book in order to read this for political discourses. Drawing on ‘Captain America’ he dissects the comic to reach conclusions about how the messages in the text promoted specific ideas of nationhood. Hatuka and Toch (2014) uses survey data to make sense of how people use smart phone devices and how this changes spatial relationships. The authors then use a variety of statistical tests (chi-squared, students t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test to make sense of the data).
- Analysing words
Reference: Hopkins, P. (2014) ‘Managing strangerhood: young Sikh men's strategies’, Environment and Planning A 46 (7): 1572‒85.
- Analysing texts
Reference: Dittmer, J. (2007) ‘“America is safe while its boys and girls believe in its creeds!”: Captain America and American identity prior to World War 2’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 25 (3): 401‒23.
- Analysing statistical relationships
Reference: Hatuka, T. and Toch, E. (2014) ‘The emergence of portable private-personal territory: Smartphones, social conduct and public spaces’, Urban Studies 1‒17 (early online) DOI: 10.1177/0042098014524608