Research Methods and Methodologies in Education
Extended Reading
The following list of journal articles and books provide extended reading on topics covered in chapter 11 in the second edition. Please note that journal articles are free to access, whereas book extracts (denoted by URLs) require your university to have a subscription to SAGE Research Methods.
Galman, S. A. C. (2009). The truthful messenger: Visual methods and representation of qualitative research in education. Qualitative Research, 9(2), 197-217.
The question of representation is a perennially contentious one in qualitative research. This author suggests a visual medium (a graphic novel) as a way of representing the findings of observational studies in educational settings. The graphic novel was developed as a collaborative process, drawing on the insights of all participants to the research project.
Metcalfe, A. S. (2016). Educational research and the sight of inquiry: Visual methodologies before visual methods. Research in Education, 96(1), 78-86.
This recent article explores processes of looking, seeing, and envisioning when using visual methods within educational research.