Research Methods and Methodologies in Education
Extended Reading
The following list of journal articles and books provide extended reading on topics covered in chapter 23 in the second edition. Please note that journal articles are free to access, whereas book extracts (denoted by URLs) require your university to have a subscription to SAGE Research Methods.
Hunt, N., & McHale, S. (2007). A practical guide to the email interview. Qualitative Health Research, 17(10), 1415-1421.
This article illustrates the benefits of looking beyond a researchers’ own discipline to assess the value of methods which have been utilized elsewhere. In this methodological article the authors explain their choice of e-mail interviewing in eliciting the experiences of individuals with alopecia. They draw on this work to give practical advice on the use of this data collection technique.
Mann, C., & Stewart, F. (2000). Internet communication and qualitative research: A handbook for researching. London: Sage.
This book was the first, comprehensive, manual of how to conduct social science research about and with computer mediated communication (CMC). It continues to be a valuable resource for researchers on using CMC for interviewing, participant observation, collecting documents and linguistic analysis. Although the social networking technologies that we are familiar with today were not known when it was published, it has retained currency in its treatment of social research issues like ethics, power relationships, data security, interview techniques, and skills of the internet researcher.