Research Methods and Methodologies in Education
Extended Reading
The following list of journal articles and books provide extended reading on topics covered in chapter 34 in the second edition. Please note that journal articles are free to access, whereas book extracts (denoted by URLs) require your university to have a subscription to SAGE Research Methods.
Bird, K. D. (2004). Anova via confidence intervals. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
This book provides a detailed look at the analysis of variance (ANOVA) through the use of confidence intervals, rather than tests of significance. The approach taken by Bird is particularly noteworthy given that the reporting of confidence intervals, rather than tests of significance, is considered the most appropriate (i.e., enlightening) means for examining the effects of manipulated variables on dependent score variables. It adopts this approach in a host of ANOVA designs: one-way, factorial, mixed, and nested. This book can be assessed with the following URL.
Jaccard, J. (2001). Interaction effects in factorial analysis of variance. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
This monograph examines interaction effects in higher-order ANOVA designs, that is, designs having more than one independent variable. Such analyses are important to researchers who simultaneously manipulate two or more independent variables because, for these researchers, it is the interaction among independent variables that is of primary importance to the theoretical constructs under investigation. The monograph includes discussion of: different ways of characterizing interactions in ANOVA; interaction effects using traditional hypothesis testing approaches; and alternative analytic frameworks that focus on effect size methodology and interval estimation. This monograph can be assessed with the following URL.