Research Methods and Methodologies in Education
Extended Reading
The following list of journal articles and books provide extended reading on topics covered in chapter 5 in the second edition. Please note that journal articles are free to access, whereas book extracts (denoted by URLs) require your university to have a subscription to SAGE Research Methods.
Cochran-Smith, M., & Villegas, A. M. (2015). Studying teacher preparation: The questions that drive research. European Educational Research Journal, 14(5).
This article discusses the relationship between educational research and teacher education by examining the types of questions that underpin research in this area.
Van Velzen, J. H. (2013). Educational researchers and practicality. American Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 789-811.
This article discusses a research project that explores how research design can engage with issues of practicality, as defined by teachers.