Research Methods and Methodologies in Education
Extended Reading
The following list of journal articles and books provide extended reading on topics covered in chapter 30 in the second edition. Please note that journal articles are free to access, whereas book extracts (denoted by URLs) require your university to have a subscription to SAGE Research Methods.
Todd, R. W., Chaiyasuk, I., & Tantisawetrat, N. (2008). A functional analysis of teachers’ instructions. RELC Journal, 39(1), 25-50.
This article examines the language of instructions in second language classrooms. The authors choose to use Sinclair & Coulthard’s (1975) functional framework for classroom discourse which, they argue, is a particularly apt one for the spoken data they analyze, though perhaps this is not necessarily true of all classroom communication data. The article demonstrates how Sinclair & Coulthard’s model retains its significance, and can be operationalized for this sort of data.
Stubbe, M., Lane, C., Hilder, J., Vine, E., Vine, B., Marra, M., . . . Weatherall, A. (2003). Multiple discourse analyses of a workplace interaction. Discourse Studies, 5(3), 351-389.
Taking as its starting point an acknowledgement of the many different approaches to discourse analysis that exist, this article takes an interesting slant by presenting a number of different analyses of the same data, a nine-minute excerpt of workplace talk (taken from the Language in the Workplace project in New Zealand). Five different frameworks are applied, including conversation analysis and critical discourse analysis, and the ways in which the different approaches foreground different theoretical and methodological concerns are discussed.
Baxter, J. (2004). Analysing spoken language in the classroom. In A. Goodwyn & A. W. Stables (Eds.). Learning to read critically in language and literacy. London: Sage.
The research study reported here uses as its data a collection of transcriptions of oral coursework for the UK General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) English examination, and integrates different approaches to facilitate a nuanced analysis. It problematizes gender as a ‘discourse’ in itself by looking at girls’ and boys’ speech in a classroom context. From conversation analysis, the characteristics of the turn-taking system are analysed. The idea of discursive ‘power’ as a negotiable feature of the student-student interaction is also explored.