Training to Teach: A Guide for Students
Third Edition
Recommended key reading
Cremin, H., Mason, C., and Busher, H. (2011) ‘Problematising pupil voice using visual methods: findings from a study of engaged and disaffected pupils in an urban secondary school’, British Educational Research Journal, 37 (4): 585–603.
Jones, P. and Welch, S. (2010) Rethinking children’s rights: Attitudes in contemporary society. London: Continuum.
Shier, H. (2001) ‘Pathways to participation: openings, opportunities and obligations’, Children and Society, 15 (2): 107–17.
United Nations (UN) (1989) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Geneva: UN.
Wood, E. (2003) ‘The power of pupil perspectives in evidence-based practice: the case of gender and underachievement’, Research Papers in Education, 18 (4): 365–83.