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Qualitative Data Analysis with ATLAS.ti
Susanne Friese
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Student Resources
Overview of the process of computer-assisted analysis
ATLAS.ti support links
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Getting to know ATLAS.ti
Mac instructions
Sample projects
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Embarking on the journey – data and project management
ATLAS.ti support links
Mac instructions
Sample projects
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Technical aspects of coding
Mac instructions
Sample projects
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Creating a coding scheme
ATLAS.ti support links
Mac instructions
Sample projects
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Querying the data and further steps in the analysis process
ATLAS.ti support links
Mac instructions
Sample projects
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Recognizing and visualizing relationships – working with networks
Mac instructions
Sample projects
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Compiling the final report – the last phase of the writing process
Mac instructions
Sample projects
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Mac instructions
Sample projects
Student workbooks
Video tutorials
Glossary Flashcards
Additional ATLAS.ti support
Additional Sample Projects
Student Resources
Susanne Friese
Pub date:
March 2019
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