Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Journal Articles
For research on the role of employee expectations (employees as resources), in NHS Trusts in England, along with public service-related values, see:
Reference: Hyde P, Harris C, Boaden R and Cortvriend P (2009) ‘Human relations management, expectations and healthcare: A qualitative study’. Human Relations, 62(5): 701–725.
For a staff engagement strategy to ensure that a progressive and sustainable approach to engaging healthcare professionals is firmly embedded in health improvement and public assurance activities, see:
Reference: Riches E and Robson B (2014) ‘Clinical engagement: Improving healthcare together’. Scottish Medical Journal, 59 (1): 62–66.
For an investigation on whether interventions that change health behaviour in relation to chronic diseases represent good value for money as compared to alternative uses of scarce healthcare resources, see:
Reference: Graves N, Mckinnon L, Reeves M, Scuffham P, Gordon L and Eakin E (2006) ‘Cost-effectiveness analyses and modelling the lifetime costs and benefits of health-behaviour interventions’. Chronic Illness, 2(2): 97–107.