Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Third Edition
- In relation to patient participation, see Department of Health (2016) The NHS Choice Framework: What Choices are Available to Me in the NHS? at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-nhs-choice-framework/the-nhs-choice-framework-what-choices-are-available-to-me-in-the-nhs
- See Kissing it Better which is a website dedicated to sharing simple healthcare ideas, and ‘harnessing the energy of the most dynamic groups in a local community and inviting them to use their specialist skills to make a difference to the care of patients and their carers within hospitals and care homes’, at: http://www.kissingitbetter.co.uk
- CollaboRATE offers a relatively simple patient-reported measure of shared decision-making, with three short questions for patients, their parents, or their representatives to complete following a clinical encounter. See: http://www.collaboratescore.org/
- For the meaning of patient involvement and patient participation in healthcare, see the taxonomy at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953606005776