Video and Multimedia

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Obama’s Harvard law professor challenged U.S. racism

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Conservative activist Andrew Breitbart argues that the hope and change promoted by Obama during his 2008 campaign was actually a call for class warfare and racial division. He further submits that Obama’s worldview was influenced by his Harvard professor Derrick Bell.

  1. Who is Derrick Bell?
  2. Do you think the video of President Obama introducing Professor Bell supports Andrew Breitbart’s accusations?
  3. Andrew Breitbart stated that Derrick Bell was “anti white”. Do you think that if you support a particular position (pro Black, pro female, pro LGBTQ) that you are totally against the opposite position? Explain.

Sexual abuse to prison pipeline: the girls story

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The Ms. Foundation for Women is the first and largest US women’s foundation. Since their founding in 1972, they have supported grassroots organizations across the country to sustain and amplify the vision and voice of women who area leading change in their communities, particularly low-income women, women of color and young women. We focus on three pillars — women’s health, economic justice and safety — in order to fulfill their mission: to build women’s collective power to realize a nation of justice for all. For more information see

This report exposes the ways in which we criminalize girls — especially girls of color — who have been sexually and physically abused, and it offers policy recommendations to dismantle the abuse to prison pipeline. It illustrates the pipeline with examples, including the detention of girls who are victims of sex trafficking, girls who run away or become truant because of abuse they experience, and girls who cross into juvenile justice from the child welfare system.

  1. What is an ACE’s?
  2. What is JJDPA?
  3. What are status offenses?
  4. Upon review of the recommendations to rectify the situation, identify one that can be a) easily implemented and b) immediately effective.

Growing up trans

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In Growing Up Trans, FRONTLINE takes viewers on an intimate and eye-opening journey inside the struggles and choices facing transgender kids and their families.

  1. The age limits, which used to say 18, now are 16. At what age do you think parents should allow their children to start the transgender process?

Those cops claiming victimization: They’re exaggerating

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Syndicated Columnist Cynthia Tucker submits this op-ed piece for the PennLive a part of the PA Media Group which is a digitally-focused media company located in central Pennsylvania.

  1. Explain how FBI Director James Corney’s remarks are “ill-considered”.
  2. How does Cynthia Tucker relate the actions of the South Carolina school resource officer to the remarks of Director Corney.

Sanford Biggers an artists unflinching look at racial violence

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Conceptual artist and TED Fellow Sanford Biggers uses painting, sculpture, video and performance to spark challenging conversations about the history and trauma of black America.

  1. Do you think that Sanford Biggers achieved his goal of providing a safe space to talk about difficult issues?

My road trip through the whitest towns in America

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As America becomes more and more multicultural, Rich Benjamin noticed a phenomenon: Some communities were actually getting less diverse. So he got out a map, found the whitest towns in the USA — and moved in. In this funny, honest, human talk, he shares what he learned as a black man in Whitopia.

  1. What is “Whitopia”?
  2. Why did Mr. Benjamin emphasize that he rented a home “by phone”?
  3. According to the author, why do people desire to reside in an all white community?