Video and Multimedia

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Criminals explain how they justify their crimes to themselves

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VICE is the world’s leading youth media company specializing in creating, distributing, and monetizing original content globally. In this article, Nick Chester speaks with “reformed gangsters” and asks them how they left crime behind and how they justified their criminal behaviors.

  1. Using Sykes and Matza’s theory of neutralization, discuss how the former criminals justified their criminal behaviour.

The Social Control Theory

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On the website  The History of Forensic Psychology blogger Megan Ortiz explains social control theory and posts a video explaining the concept.

  1. What is the central question of social control theory?
  2. Explain how this theory pertains to white-collar crime.

Camp Cadet

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Sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Camp Cadet is a summer camp for boys and girls from Pennsylvania between the ages of 12 to 15. he goal of Camp Cadet is to introduce participants to the diverse criminal justice system and establish a positive relationship with law enforcement personnel.

  1. Using social bond theory, explain the benefits of Camp Cadet.

The key to success: Grit

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In this TedTalk Angela Lee Duckworth, psychologist, explains that it is not IQ or social intelligence that is the key to success but the passion and perseverance (grit) for very long-term goals.

  1. Explain how “grit” applies to social control theory.

For kids, self control factors into future success

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NPR’s Nancy Shute interviews Terrie Moffitt, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University about the role of self control and predicting children’s future success.

  1. At what age does a child have to demonstrate self-control in order to insure a happy and healthy life?

Rape is a crime in India-but there are exceptions

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Chhavi Sachdev explains that while rape is illegal in India, India is one of 49 nations that does not criminalize marital rape.

  1. Which theory or theories of neutralization apply to why husbands in India can legally rape their wives?