Video and Multimedia

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There was no wave of compassion when addicts were hooked on crack

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Faced with a rising national wave of opioid addiction and its consequences, families, law enforcement and political leaders around the nation are linking arms to save souls. But 30 years ago, it was a different story. Ekow Yankah, a Cardozo School of Law professor, reflects on how race affects our national response to drug abuse.

  1. What is institutional racism?

Do cops in schools know how to police kids?

Video Link:

Sarah Childress, senior digital reporter Frontline Enterprise Journalism Group reviews a string of videos depicting officers using force on young students.

  1. What is an SRO?
  2. What is considered a crime in the classroom?
  3. Give examples of a disciplinary versus criminal matters in the classroom.

Separate and unequal

Video Link:

Sixty years after the Supreme Court declared separate schools for black and white children unconstitutional, school segregation is making a comeback.

  1. Apply Marxist and or Conflict Theory to school segregation?

Assault on Gay America: the life and death of Billy Jack Gaither

Video Link:

Related Web link: The Invention of Heterosexuality

  1. How did heterosexuality become “normal”?

Marxism and Crime

Web Link:

Chris Trueman BA (Hons), MA set up in 2000 as he felt there was no easily accessible and comprehensive website on World History on the web. The site has grown in popularity and is now viewed by hundreds of thousands of people each month from around the world.

  1. According to Marxists how does capitalist economic system generate crime?
  2. Who do Marxists believe are targeted by the police?

Why a group’s power dynamics interferes with collaboration

Audio Link:

Host David Greene is joined by NPR's social science correspondent Shankar Vendantam to discuss how power makes it difficult for leaders to cooperate with each other. The focus of the discussion is the research done by Angus Hildreth, he's at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, and along with Cameron Anderson

  1. What are some of the outcomes noted when powerful people are put into groups?
  2. How have organizations resolved the problem of the group power dynamic?