SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1

Citation: Lim, S. S. (2013). On mobile communication and youth “deviance”: Beyond moral, media and mobile panics. Mobile Media and Communication, 1(1), 96–101.

Description: This article explores the influence of social/mobile media and communication on deviant behaviors and possible criminal activities.

Learning Objective: 4-1: A discussion of the complex and frequently contradictory assumptions made about children.


Article 2

Citation: Campbell, E. (2016). Policing pedophilia: Assembling bodies, spaces and things. Crime, Media, and Culture, 12(3), 345–365.

Description: This article analyzes a “pedophile hunt,” using various media outlets to apprehend sex offenders.

Learning Objective: 4-3: A comparison of media representations of this crime, and other reported incidents that portrayed children as “persistent offenders,” “evil monsters,” and so on, with alternative media accounts representing children as vulnerable innocents who must be protected, not from other children, but from adults who seek to harm and exploit them.