Suggested Further Reading
The journal Gender, Work and Organisations provides a good source of related articles on the general nature of gender and organizations.
An essential starting place for those interested in understanding the gendered nature of organizations is
- J. Acker (1990) ‘Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A theory of gendered organisations’ (Gender and Society, 4(2): 139–58)
For an overview of the general gendered nature of criminal justice professions
- S.E. Martin and N. Jurik (2007) Doing Justice, Doing Gender (Sage)
For those particularly interested in policing, see
- J. Brown and F. Heidensohn (2000) Gender and Policing (Macmillan);
- F. Heidensohn (1992) Women in Control: The Role of Women in Law Enforcement (Oxford University Press);
- F. Heidensohn (2000) Sexual Politics and Social Control (Open University Press);
- M. Silvestri (2003) Women in Charge: Policing, Gender and Leadership (Willan).
- P. Dick, M. Silverstri and L. Westmarland (2013) ‘Women police: Potential and possibilities for police reform’ [in J. Brown (ed.) The Future of Policing (Routledge)].
For those interested in women working in the legal profession, see
- S. Kenney (2013) Gender and Justice: Why Women in the Judiciary Really Matter (Routledge)
- numerous articles by Kate Malleson and Erika Rackley.
For work on the feminist judgement projects, see
- R. Hunter, C. McGlynn and E. Rackley (eds) (2010) Feminist Judgements: From Theory to Practice (Hart)
- R. Hunter (2015) ‘More than just a different face? Judicial diversity and decision-making’ (Current Legal Problems, 68(1): 119–40).