Suggested Further Reading
There are not many books which focus exclusively on masculinities in relation to the criminal justice professions. A helpful starting point, written from a feminist perspective, is the work of the Fawcett Commission, which highlights the main issues relating to female – and indirectly male – employees. See, in particular,
- Fawcett Society (2007) Women and Justice: Third Annual Review of the Commission on Women and the Criminal Justice System (Fawcett Society).
However, for an excellent ethnographic study of bouncers and masculinities in the night-time economy see
- the relevant chapter in S. Walklate (2004) Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice, 2nd edn (Willan). S. Winlow (2001) Badfellas (Berg)
Also, for some comments on gender and the criminal justice professions, see
- J.W. Messerschmidt (1993) Masculinities and Crime: Critique and Reconceptualization of Theory (Rowman & Littlefield)