Advertising Creative: Strategy, Copy, and Design
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Clips
Foxtel’s “Alert Shirt” campaign
Award-winning multi-channel campaign, for which company made electronic shirts that gave wearers the sensation of game play.
The Protection Ad
Nivea’s multi-dimensional campaign, 2014.
Billy Mays Top 10 Spots
Top Ten Billy Mays commercials. Billy Mays is still regarded as one of the most effective pitch men for direct response advertising.
The Best Worst Infomercials
Time magazine’s 25 Best/Worst Infomercials of all time
Direct Mail Gift Cards
DynamiCard: Plastic postcard mailers with pop-out gift card
Unusual Concepts
Yelo Creative Group’s unusual direct mail concepts
United States Postal Service
USPS direct mail product
Web Resources
Echo Awards
Direct Marketing Association Echo Awards for excellence for direct response marketing
Caples Awards
Direct Marketing News Caples Award winners for 2014
Mobile Market Association Global
Mobile Marketing Association website
Top Direct Mail Pieces 2011
Top 5 creative direct mail pieces of 2011