
Test you understanding of key chapter concepts by working through this quiz. You can check your answer by clicking on the arrow to the right or on what you think the correct answer is.  The correct answer will then be revealed to you for that question.

1. Marketing operates

  1. independently from an organisation’s overall identity
  2. as an integral part of an overall organisation’s activity
  3. as market conditions dictate, whether or not that is consistent with organisational directions
  4. as competitive activity dictates



B. as an integral part of an overall organisation’s activity


2. Marketing

  1. creates materialism
  2. creates higher satisfaction with standards of living
  3. may reinforce materialistic behaviour
  4. drives the desire to possess more and more things



C. may reinforce materialistic behaviour


3. Deliberate deception in marketing

  1. is prevented by legislation on many, but not all, countries
  2. is widespread
  3. leads people to buy products and services for which they have no use
  4. proves advertising to be a strong force



A. is prevented by legislation on many, but not all, countries


4. The responsibility of business

  1. is to maximise profit only
  2. is recognised as extending beyond shareholders to other stakeholders
  3. is effectively expressed through corporate social responsibility
  4. is only expressed through legislation and regulation



B. is recognised as extending beyond shareholders to other stakeholders


5. Greenwashing

  1. will go unnoticed by consumers
  2. has positive effects on brand image and brand equity
  3. is an effective strategy to show environmentally friendly credentials
  4. is an insincere form of corporate social responsibility



D. is an insincere form of corporate social responsibility


6. Deception in market research

  1. is always a deliberate strategy
  2. is acceptable under deontology
  3. is acceptable under teleology
  4. will destroy trust between researcher and participants



D. will destroy trust between researcher and participants


7. Product placement

  1. is a form of promotion with no specific ethical issues
  2. is regulated to prevent ethical problems
  3. is only unethical if the commercial intent is not recognised
  4. presents numerous potential ethical issues




D. presents numerous potential ethical issues