Deepen your knowledge with carefully selected resources.
3.1: Miquel-Romero, M.-J. and Adame-Sánchez, C. (2013) ‘Viral marketing through e-mail: the link company-consumer’, Management Decision, 51 (10), pp. 1970–1982. doi: 10.1108/MD-08-2012-0592
Description: Framework that shows how email works and about email marketing.
3.2: Kietzmann, J.H., Hermkens, K., Mccarthy, I.P. and Silvestre, B.S. (2011) ‘Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media’, Business Horizons, 54 (3), pp. 241–251. doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2011.01.005.
Description: Contains the honeycomb model for social media
3.3: Alaei, A.R., Becken, S. and Stantic, B. (2017) ‘Sentiment analysis in tourism: Capitalizing on big data’, Journal of Travel Research, 58 (2), pp. 175–191. doi: 10.1177/0047287517747753.
Description: Sentiment analysis in the area of tourism with useful background and key terms
3.4: Keramatfar, A. and Amirkhani, H. (2018) ‘Bibliometrics of sentiment analysis literature’, Journal of Information Science, 45 (1), pp. 3–5. doi: 10.1177/0165551518761013.
Description: The evolution of sentiment analysis and opinion mining as a research field
3.5: Gudivada, V.N., Rao, D. and Paris, J. (2015) ‘Understanding search-engine optimization’, Computer, 48 (10), pp. 43–52. doi: 10.1109/MC.2015.297.
Description: Good background to how search engine optimization works