Access links selected by the author to broaden your understanding of the topics covered in each chapter
Web Link 3.1: Usability 101: Introduction to usability by Jakob Nielsen (2012)
Description: Discover more on website usability
Web Link 3.2: Hubspot website grader
Description: Digital tool website checker
Might need basic registration to access
Web Link 3.3: Nibbler Silktide website checker
Description: Digital tool website checker
Might need basic registration to access
Web Link 3.4: Digital tool PPC
Description: Pay per click or PPC is a complex and specialist area. Google provides a range of helpful videos and online tutorials which contain the latest best practice. Visit the Google AdWords help center https://adwords.google.com which is a useful tool to understand PPC.
Web Link 3.5: Digital tool PPC
Description: Pay per click or PPC is a complex and specialist area, see also the Bing help site for ads
Web Link 3.6: World map of social networks
Description: Vincenzo Cosensa produces an annual world map of social networks
Web Link 3.7: Overdrive social media map
Description: Overdrive creates a snapshot of the social media ecosystem every year that lists social media networks, tools and other relevant content (need to add contact details to download instantly)