Deepen your knowledge with carefully selected resources.
9.1: Weihrich, H. (1982) ‘The TOWS matrix: A tool for situational analysis’, Long Range Planning, 15 (2), pp. 54–66. doi: 10.1016/0024-6301(82)90120-0
Description: The original article which created the TOWS matrix
9.2: Bardhi, F. and Eckhardt, G.M. (2017) ‘Liquid Consumption’, Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (September). doi: 10.1093/jcr/ucx050
Description: Background to liquid consumption as a concept
9.3: Lamberton, C.P. and Rose, R.L. (2012) ‘When is ours better than mine ? A framework for understanding and sharing systems’, Journal of Marketing, 76 (July), pp. 109–125.
Description: Looks at collaborative consumption and includes a typology of sharing systems