Contributor biography

Matthew Zook is a Professor of Economic and Information Geography at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY. His interest centers on how the geoweb (particularly the practices surrounding user-generated data) and understanding where, when and by whom geo-coded content is being created. He studies the interaction of code, space and place interact as people increasingly use of mobile, digital technologies to navigate through their everyday, lived geographies. Of special interest is the complex and often duplicitous manner that code and content can congeal and individualize our experiences in the hybrid, digitally augmented places that cities are becoming.

Ate Poorthuis is an Assistant Professor in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Singapore University of Technology and Design. His research is focused on the possibilities and limitations of the analysis and visualization of big data to better understand how our cities work. He is the technical lead on The DOLLY Project, a repository of billions of geolocated social media, that strives to address the difficulties of using big data within the social sciences.

Rich Donohue is a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Kentucky and the principle curriculum designer of New Maps Plus, an online graduate education program focused on web mapping. His scholarship bridges the technical implementation of emerging geospatial technologies with GIScience and Web Cartography research. His teaching focuses on web map interface design in support of cartographic interaction and Geovisualization.