Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Clips
- Social Power Theory
A short video which describes Weber’s Avenues to Social Power (free trial available).
- Company Mission Statements
A basic and general overview of why mission statements exist.
- Formal v. Informal Organizations
A discussion on the informal network in organizations (free trial available).
- How To Change the World
A short video from Kid President about change.
- Coping with Change at Work
Although geared toward business, a good discussion about how to manage change in a work environment.
Audio Clips
- How to Make Change At Work
A podcast interview with Randy Pennington, author of the book, Make Change at Work: Staying Nimble, Relevant, and Engaged in a World of Constant Change which offers the listener tips for managing change.
- What are Systems and How Do They Influence Change
This podcast, designed more for business, helps the listener understand systems and their role in the change management process.