
Take the quiz to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

Critique the wording and format of the following examples of questions that might be found on various questionnaires:

1. Polysyllabic linguistic terminology can act to obscure connotations.

Please circle your response: Yes or No.


Badly worded question which many participants probably will not understand.

2. I am not satisfied with my job.

Please circle your response: Yes or No.


Meaning of the statement is unclear so participants maybe unclear which response to give.

3. Do you think that your manager has effective communication skills and is a good team leader?


A double question.

4. Do you think nursing and midwifery students should wear uniform when attending university?

 Please tick the relevant box to indicate your response:

□Yes  □No  □Don’t know


The boxes and responses are too close together and the participant may inadvertently tick the wrong box. 

5. Please indicate your age:




Over 50


The categories overlap and there is no response option for participants who are aged 49 or who are under 18.

6. Please indicate the length of time that you have worked as a qualified nurse or midwife:

Up to 5 years

5–10 years

More than 10 years


It is not clear if this includes career breaks and does not accommodate participants who have worked both as a nurse and a midwife.

7. How often do you use research in your clinical practice?


The question is too vague. The assumption is made that research is used by the participant in his/her practice. Also ‘use’ is not defined. 

8. In what ways has the recently implemented journal club improved your practice?


The assumption is made that the participant has attended the journal club which may not be the case unless only attendees are targeted. It is also assumed that attending the journal club has improved his/her practice. ‘Improved’ is also not defined. 

9. Do you think the staff in your current area of practice have sufficient understanding about research?


The question is too vague. Are all ‘staff’ included? What does ‘understanding’ mean? And how is ‘sufficient’ defined? 

10. Do you take drugs?


What sort of drugs (prescribed, recreational or illicit)?