
Take the quiz to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. Give a definition for the following research terms:

  • Validity
  • Reliability
  • Generalizability
  • Rigour
  • Fidelity


  • Validity: The extent to which what was intended to be measured actually has been and the findings are therefore accurate.
  • Reliability: The uniformity and accuracy of the data collection tool used and the researcher using it.
  • Generalisability: The application of study findings to the wider population.
  • Rigour: The conduct of a study in a thorough, consistent and meticulous way, in accordance with the principals of the particular method and design used.
  • Fidelity: The evaluation of the way in which a study was conducted to determine the validity, reliability and generalisability of the findings.

2. Match the following research terms and definitions:

  • Construct validity
  • Content validity
  • Face validity
  • Internal validity
  • External validity
  • The extent to which a data collection tool appears to measure what is intended
  • The extent to which the findings can be generalised to the total population and other settings
  • The outcome measure of the current study which has previously been confirmed or established in another study
  • The extent to which other possible explanations of the findings can be excluded
  • The extent to which a data collection tool encompasses all aspects of the variables being measured


  • Construct validity: the outcome measure of the current study which has previously been confirmed or established in another study
  • Content validity: the extent to which a data collection tool encompasses all aspects of the variables being measured
  • Face validity: the extent to which a data collection tool appears to measure what is intended
  • Internal validity: the extent to which other possible explanations of the findings can be excluded
  • External validity: the extent to which the findings can be generalised to the total population and other settings 

 3. Match the following research terms and definitions:

  • Credibility
  • Transferability
  • Dependability
  • Confirmability
  • Authenticity
  • The extent to which the findings portray a range of perspectives and realities
  • The consistency of the approaches used throughout the study
  • The extent to which the findings reflect the data provided by the participants
  • The extent to which the findings are believable
  • The extent to which the findings can be applied to other similar populations in other similar settings


  • Credibility: the extent to which the findings are believable
  • Transferability: the extent to which the findings can be applied to other similar populations in other similar settings
  • Dependability: the consistency of the approaches used throughout the study
  • Confirmability; the extent to which the findings reflect the data provided by the participants
  • Authenticity: the extent to which the findings portray a range of perspectives and realities