Web Activity: Crossword Experimental Design

1. A fair test (10)
3. A research study involving the prospective or retrospective comparison of groups (6)
5. Said to be the first person to conduct an experiment (6)
7. The number of people included in a study (6, 4)
11. The term used to describe ‘once randomised, always analysed’ (9, 2,5,8)
14. A type of bias due to loss of participants from a trial (9)
17. The type of data collection most often associated with randomized controlled trials (10, 11)
18. Dummy sugar pill (7)
20. A hypothesis that states there is no difference between two or more variables (4)
21. An unbiased method of choosing which people will be included in a research study (6, 8)
- Statement of inclusion for participants in a study (11, 8)
2. To blind participants to which treatment they are receiving (7)
4. Where a sample is derived from (10)
6. The group against which the findings of the experimental group are compared (7)
8. The statement which sets the standard for reporting randomised controlled trials (7)
9. The process of allocating participants to the experimental or control group of a trial (6, 9)
10. A data collection method is said to be this if it measures what it is designed to measure (5)
12. States the predicted relationship between two or more variables (10)
13. The library that illustrates the development of fair tests in health care (4, 4)
15. A type of average (4)
16. Pre-study used to confirm the design of a trial (5)

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