Web activities

These activities include brainstorming activities, further reading, weblinks to external sites, and enable you to examine and relect upon the methods of both real-world studies and the methods chosen by fictional nursing and midwifery students introduced in chapter one.

Activity 16.1: Sources on Nursing Research

See: Clamp, C.G.L., Land, L., and Gough, S. (2004) Resources for Nursing Research: An Annotated Bibliography. London: Sage. 

Activity 16.2: Pros and Cons of Questionnaires

Identify the advantages and potential disadvantages of questionnaires as a method of data collection. 

Activity 16.3: Choosing an Appropriate Quantitative Data Collection Tool 

The class of 2016 have been asked to plan the following studies:

  1. A survey – What are midwives’ experiences of water-birth?
  2. A survey – What are student nurses’ experiences of their first practice placement?
  • Develop a short data collection tool for either or both studies.