The class of 2016 have been asked to consider the tensions between the three research paradigms of positivism, interpretivism and pragmatism. They have been asked to decide if these tensions are real or contrived. What do you think?
As we have discussed in Chapter 3, some people are more comfortable with one research paradigm than any of the others. The class of 2016 have been asked to consider which, if any, research paradigm they feel most closely aligned with.
Richie and Jasmine feel more comfortable with the paradigm of positivism. They feel that objectivity is essential when conducting research and can relate to the notion of cause and effect.
Amy and Charles are more drawn towards interpretivism. They feel that when research involves humans, there can be no one interpretation, truth or meaning because each individual will interpret their experiences in their own way.
What are your thoughts and feelings about research paradigms? Which do you think you are most aligned with at this stage? Summarise in a short paragraph which approach you feel most comfortable with and why.