Principles and Applications
Seventh Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
Jonides, J., Lacey, S. C., & Nee, D. E. (2005). Processes of working memory in mind and brain. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14(1), 2-5.
This article discusses the processes of working memory in the learning process from a biological perspective.
- What is the difference between working memory and long-term memory?
- What is the role of working memory in encoding information into long-term memory?
- What refreshes working memory to keep information salient?
LaBar, K. S. (2007). Beyond fear: Emotional memory mechanisms in the human brain. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16(4), 173-177.
A research article discussing on the neurobiological mechanisms of fear-based memory.
- Which areas of the brain are involved in memory consolidation?
- In what ways are fear-based memories different from other memories?
- In what ways are unpleasant emotional events encoded differently than pleasant emotional events into long-term memory?