Exercise 1: Extending the grounded theory analysis in Chapter 12

In Chapter 12 in the book, Sheila Hawker and Christine Kerr present a grounded theory analysis of the transcripts of the interviews with the ex-soldiers David and Brian that appear in Appendix 1 there. You are invited to extend that analysis by subjecting some or all of the additional transcripts of interviews with ex-soldiers to grounded theory analysis – or to as many stages of grounded theory analysis as you can manage. (See Appendix 1 for the additional interview transcripts from Arnie Reed’s study with ex-soldiers.) Follow the procedures that Sheila Payne describes in Chapter 11 in the book and that Sheila Hawker and Christine Kerr describe in Chapter 12.

Consider how your analysis of the additional data changes the preliminary analysis that Sheila and Christine offer in Chapter 12.

  • In what ways does your analysis of the additional data confirm, revise or extend their analysis of the transcripts of the interviews with David and Brian?