Video Interview: Agata Wezyk

Using Lego® as a visual data resource

In the UK in 2019, the British Psychological Society sponsored a series of seminars on creative and arts-based methods in applied psychological research. The use of various forms of visual data was an important theme in that event. In Chapter 6 in the book, Paula Reavey and Steven D. Brown examine the use of visual data principally in terms of images. However, they note that other creative forms of visual display can be used in research.

An example of this is provided in the video below in which Agata Wężyk talks about her use of Lego® in her PhD research on conceptual metaphors of psychological stress.

Agata Wężyk is a Lecturer in Psychology at Bournemouth University and a Research Assistant at the University of Lincoln in the UK. She recently received her PhD from Bournemouth University. Her PhD research focused on lay understandings of stress and its links with health. Her research interests include stress and well-being in work and family settings, and the role of metaphors in understanding and communicating individual experiences and emotions.

To find out more about the research that Agata Wężyk discusses in the video, contact her directly or see: