Multiple Choice Quizzes

Try these quizzes to test your understanding.

1. What is ‘Verstehen’ in relation to marketing research?

  1. any approach that focuses on qualitative issues like social meanings
  2. any orientation that favours quantitative practices
  3. neither of these

Answer: A

2. What are the key issues with ‘Big Data’ in relation to marketing research?

  1. easy to confuse with ‘Small Data’
  2. hard to capture, store, manage and analyse
  3. too broad and generic to be meaningful

Answer: B

3. Marketing research can be thought of as ‘user-inspired’; who would be responsible for such a view?

  1. Guba
  2. Pasteur
  3. Schumpeter

Answer: B

4. Complexity is ______.

  1. easy to understand
  2. hard to understand
  3. neither of these

Answer: B

5. Marketing research helps with ______.

  1. decision making
  2. being right
  3. complicating life

Answer: A

6. Market research focuses on ______.

  1. operational needs of marketing
  2. analysing markets
  3. providing inspiration

Answer: B

7. Marketing research is ______ process.

  1. logical, lengthy and linear
  2. fun, superficial and random
  3. systematic, critical and in-depth

Answer: C

8. Unstructured research can yield valid knowledge.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B

9. Sense making is dependent upon ______.

  1. social interactions
  2. personal interactions
  3. professional interactions

Answer: A

10. Pluralists views of marketing research are influenced by ______.

  1. post-modernism
  2. post-positivism
  3. both post-modernism and post-positivism

Answer: C

11. ______ is an example of ‘inward-looking’ orientation in marketing.

  1. ‘Market’
  2. ‘Product’
  3. ‘Relationship’

Answer: B

12. Contemporary marketing research tends to focus on value co-creation.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

13. By and large, a marketing information system provides ______.

  1. structure
  2. flexibility
  3. both structure and flexibility

Answer: C

14. Online communities are providing no insight.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B

15. Marketing dashboards help with integrating ______.

  1. data, processes and viewpoints
  2. information, opinion and anecdotes
  3. knowledge, beliefs and attitudes

Answer: A

16. Collecting and processing information for specific purposes produces incremental advantages.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

17. Marketing research should use ______ elements.

  1. convoluted
  2. creative
  3. both convoluted and creative

Answer: B