Multiple Choice Quizzes

Try these quizzes to test your understanding.

1. There exist two types of research designs only.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B

2. Which of the following are research design options?

  1. quantitative, qualitative, critical studies or a mixture of each of these
  2. style and looks
  3. depth and scope

Answer: A

3. A mixed research design ______.

  1. includes people of different cultures
  2. includes researchers from different backgrounds
  3. makes use of both quantitative and qualitative information to draw conclusions

Answer: C

4. Incommensurability is ______.

  1. inability to measure and compare different views/theories
  2. when you do not have measurement instruments
  3. when a particular phenomenon cannot be measured

Answer: A

5. Mixed design research is particularly suited to market research because marketers need both quantitative and qualitative information.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

6. Triangulation, complementarity, development, problem clarification and relevance are examples of ______.

  1. problems associated with mixed design approach
  2. advantages of using mixed design approach
  3. neither of these

Answer: B

7. Triangulation means ______.

  1. to use three methods to understand the problem
  2. to use more than one method to compensate for weaknesses of each one
  3. neither of these

Answer: B

8. Complementarity means ______.

  1. making use of different types of information at different levels
  2. choosing the same information but presented differently
  3. neither of these

Answer: A

9. Development occurs when research may lead to more clarifications but also more questions that may require different types of information.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

10. Before selecting the research design, it is important to consider the type of phenomenon being studied and the possible characteristics of the research design.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

11. Action research is more interested in improving objectivity than solving human problems.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B

12. Action research is primarily interested in resolving practical problems.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

13. Action research is not interested in complex problems or ethical issues.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

14. Identify which of the following stages are seen to reflect the right chronology of paradigms.

  1. Positivism, Interpretivism, Critical theoretical, Action research
  2. Action research, Interpretivism, Critical theoretical, Positivism
  3. Critical theoretical, Interpretivism, Positivism, Action research
  4. Positivism, Interpretivism, Action research, Critical theoretical

Answer: A

15. You may carry out an action research without addressing the issue of cycles.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B

16. The following are action research cycle steps: Reflecting, Planning, Acting, Observing.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A

17. Case studies are only useful if we are dealing with a new phenomenon.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B

18. When selecting a research design a phenomenon should be ______.

  1. communicable
  2. secret
  3. indirect

Answer: A

19. Exploratory research is the opposite of ______.

  1. longitudinal
  2. conclusive
  3. causal

Answer: B

20. Case studies can be divided according to type. What is not a valid type to position a case study?

  1. revelatory case
  2. representative case
  3. retrospective case

Answer: C