Counseling Across Cultures
Seventh Edition
Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions (Critical Incident p. 240)
- What are the different contexts of marginalization that may have been at play in this situation? Do we know anything about the therapist’s understanding or experiences of marginalization that may have influenced his perspective and choice to report (what would yours be)?
- How well did the therapist behave in accordance with: (a) the legal standards, (b) the ethical standards of conduct in psychology, (c) the ethical standards of conduct with racial/ethnic minorities and marginalized groups, and (d) personal ethics? Where do the standards conflict or align in regard to this case?
- How do you think the therapist’s choice to report affected the client’s marginalization and other issues for which he sought help in counseling? How do you think the client might have been affected if the therapist had not reported?
- What possible alternative courses of action could the therapist have taken? How appropriate or inappropriate would each of these alternatives have been?