Counseling Across Cultures
Seventh Edition
Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions (General)
- What are the benefits and the problems of the WHO’s definition of health as including physical, mental, and social well-being, and not simply the absence of disease?
- Can you provide some examples of people whose physical health is compromised or unaffected by mental health problems, and vice versa?
- Describe the relation between socioeconomic status and mortality.
- Describe the relation between ethnicity and mortality.
- Are physical and mental health similarly related to socioeconomic and ethnic status? What is the one exception to this pattern?
- How is the health of children and adolescents affected if the parents are in lower-SES or ethnic minority groups?
- Why is adolescence a pivotal period for health behavior?
- Why are high education level and health literacy so closely associated with maintaining good health?
- Name four pathways that explain how social status may influence an individual’s health. Give an example for each.
- How might you try to prevent poor health by changing characteristics of each pathway to make it more health promoting?
- Is there any evidence for or against the idea that being a target of racism is stressful, resulting in poor health?
- What is culturally competent care? How does it improve a person’s health?
- Why have cognitive-behavioral techniques and motivational interviewing become important strategies for effecting changes in health behaviors?
- How have lifestyle behaviors such as diet and exercise been targeted for change among minority communities?
- Could changes in lifestyle behaviors such as diet, exercise, and alcohol consumption improve mental health? Why?