Counseling Across Cultures
Seventh Edition
Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions (General)
What are some of the changes you expect to occur as a result of minority groups, such as the Hispanics, growing more rapidly than Whites and what are the implications of those changes for counseling?
Discuss the danger of assuming a universal measure of normality.
In what specific ways does the assumed "superior" evaluation of individualism demonstrate itself in counseling practice?
Discuss the implications of acculturation for counseling the Hispanic client.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of identifying a particular approach for counseling Hispanics as compared to a more generalized sensitivity to cultural differences?
Give examples of counselor variables (professional and personal attitudes, and beliefs) that relate to cross cultural-counseling effectiveness?
Give examples of client variables (individual, sociocultural, sociohistorical, and environmental) that relate to cross cultural counseling effectiveness.
Give examples of counseling process variables (counseling approaches, use or misuse of theory, and environmental milieu) that relate to cross-cultural counseling effectiveness.
Discussion Questions (Critical Incident pg. 178)
Person-Environment Factors
What sorts of experiences, if any, has Liliana had with racism and other kinds of discrimination? How have these contributed to the way Liliana sees herself and her lived world? How do race, language, class, gender, and so on matter to Liliana’s beliefs?
What are Liliana’s own conceptions and explanations of her economic situation and that of her family?
What is Liliana’s “take” on her experience as an immigrant?
Orientation to the Counseling Situation
Has Liliana been in counseling therapy before? What was the experience like? Have any of her family members been in therapy? For what reason, and with what perceived results?
What concerns does Liliana bring to the present counseling situation?
How, if at all, does the ethnic, racial, linguistic, or economic background of the counselor matter to Liliana’s orientation to the counseling situation?
Situational Variables
What is the most neutral arrangement of space and materials?
What are Liliana’s observable responses (linguistic, behavioral, etc.) to the counseling situation, including especially the specific behaviors of the counselor?
Given what the counselor is learning about Liliana’s environment and orientation, what roles might best meet Liliana’s needs? And under what conditions might such roles usefully vary?