The Early Years Foundation Stage: Theory and Practice
Third Edition
Further readings
Access the following further reading material that can act as an ideal resource to help support your assigments and dissertations.
Berson, I.R. and Berson, M.J. (2010) High-tech Tots: Childhood in a Digital World. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Craft, A. (2012) ‘Childhood in a digital age: creative challenges for educational futures’, London Review of Education, 10 (2): 173–90.
McPake, J., Plowman, L. and Stephen, C. (2013) ‘Pre-school children creating and communicating with digital technologies in the home’, British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (3): 421–31.
Plowman, L., Stephen, C. and McPake, J. (2010) Growing Up With Technology: Young Children Learning in a Digital World. London: Taylor & Francis.