Chapter 23: Writing Up and Disseminating Your Research

Quizzes give you the chance to test your knowledge through multiple choice questions, short answers, matching activities and other revision tools.

1. Give 8 reasons why nursing and midwifery research findings should be disseminated


  • To build a body of evidence to ensure practice is evidence based.
  • To facilitate the delivery of safe, effective, high quality care.
  • To enable patients, clients and families to make informed decisions about their care.
  • To maximise patient and client outcomes.
  • To facilitate patient and client satisfaction.
  • To support the development, evaluation and ongoing improvement of care.
  • To support the fulfilment of clinical governance requirements.
  • To promote the delivery of cost-effective care.
  • To ensure that the ethical, moral and professional responsibilities of nurses and midwives are addressed. 
  • To reduce the risk of litigation for individual practitioners and the wider service.
  • To ensure nurses and midwives retain professional identity within the provision of healthcare.
  • To facilitate the autonomy of nurses and midwives.
  • To enable the researcher to fulfil their duty to the participants to disseminate the research findings.
  • To enable the researcher to fulfil any obligation they may have to the research funder and their employer to disseminate the research findings.

2. Suggest 5 different ways in which research findings can be disseminated


  • Publication in journals, including Open Access journals and books
  • Research reports and summaries
  • Websites and other forms of social media
  • Conference presentations
  • Posters, displayed at conferences and in practice areas
  • Lunchtime meetings, seminars, workshops and teaching sessions
  • Newsletters, electronic or paper copy
  • Mainstream media such as magazines, newspapers, radio and television

3. Suggest 4 benefits for nurses and midwives of having their work /  research published:


  • Getting something back for their hard work
  • Making use of readily available material
  • Enhancing their CV and career opportunities
  • Networking
  • Developing a reputation for an interest and expertise in a particular subject area
  • Payment