Research Methods for Nurses and Midwives: Theory and Practice
Student Resources
Chapter 26: Where Do I Go from Here?
Quizzes give you the chance to test your knowledge through multiple choice questions, short answers, matching activities and other revision tools.
1. Identify eight things you could do in order to consolidate / develop your research knowledge:
Read research / evidence-based practice papers
Set up or join a journal club
Display the research/evidence-based practice work of colleagues and students in the practice area.
Organise workshops, seminars, teaching sessions or research meetings for colleagues and students.
Join or set up a research interest group / community of research practice that relates to your clinical specialty or area of practice
Mentor students
Spend time with research nurses or midwives working in your area of practice.
Join a standard or policy writing group or get involved with bench-marking.
Get involved in teaching nurses and midwives at your local academic institution.
Attend conferences and consider submitting an abstract for the presentation of a poster or a paper.
Join the research interest group of your professional organisation.
Make links with your local academic institution, there may be research interest groups that you can join.
Undertake further study such as an MSc, MA, MPhil, PhD or EdD.
2. What does REF stand for?
Research Excellence Framework
3. What happens after an institution makes a submission to REF
Based on the application, the institution is given a credit rating. This rating influences future funding and the institution’s reputation.
4. Identify six different ways in which you could get your name in print in a professional nursing / midwifery journal or relevant health-care publication:
Write a paper for publication
Co-author a paper for publication
Present a poster / paper at a conference
Write a letter to the letters section of a professional journal
Write a response to a letter previously published in a professional journal
Write a review of a conference / academic book / teaching material or other resources
Undertake peer review of papers submitted to a professional journal
Write a critique of a study to be published alongside the original research
Write a piece for an ‘in house’ journal or newsletter
Join the editorial board of a journal
Write a chapter for a book
Co-author a chapter for a book
5. Identify six strategies you could employ as a stepping stone to pursuing a career in research
Make your intentions known to your line manager during your appraisal / performance review
Talk to research nurses / midwives about their career pathway
Ask if a research nurse / midwife in your practice area will mentor you
Investigate research opportunities at your work setting / externally
Undertake further study such as post-graduate research modules, Masters, PhD or DEd
Look out for early career research training opportunities
Undertake the Good Clinical Practice training
Join a research ethics committee
Take responsibility for some aspect of a study being undertaken in your practice area.
Look for funding opportunities to undertake a small-scale study in your practice area.
Make contact with expert researchers in your area of interest.
Look for research secondment opportunities.
Secure a permanent clinical research post.
6. Identify five possible senior research roles that an experienced nurse / midwife researcher may pursue:
Chief investigator/lead researcher for a nursing, midwifery or health related study
Leading a programme of research
Leading a local, national or international research network
Leading a research special interest group / research cluster
Combined clinical and academic roles
Joint appointments between an academic institution and clinical practice
Senior research governance role such as chair of an indemnity insurance or ethics committee
Reader or associate professor or professor.