Test your understanding of each chapter by taking the quiz below. Click anywhere on the question to reveal the answer. Good luck!
1. What is a ‘case study’?
- An in-depth investigation of an individual, group, situation or event
- A study aiming at improving practice over time
- An experimental design in laboratory conditions
- An in-depth analysis of data
2. When might it be appropriate to carry out a case study as a researcher?
- When you don’t want a lot of depth/detail
- When you want to make generalizations to the wider population
- When you want to study a child, group or situation in a lot of detail
- When you want to continue the research for your MA
3. What methods might be employed in a case study?
- Interviews
- Narrative observations
- Questionnaires
- Any of these and potentially others
4. Who from the following list famously carried out case study research on his own child?
- Sigmund Freud
- Charles Darwin
- Claude Levi Strauss
- Harry Harlow
5. Look at the following potential studies and consider which indicates that a case study might be appropriate
- When you want to find out the effect of maternal alcohol use on infants
- When you want to find out the effect of parental education on children’s achievement
- When you want to find out how a nursery organizes its outdoor provision
- When you want to find out whether there is a correlation between summer-born children and later achievement