Chapter 15: Using documents and visual texts

Test your understanding of each chapter by taking the quiz below. Click anywhere on the question to reveal the answer. Good luck!

1. What is a document?

  1. A newspaper or magazine
  2. A letter
  3. A diary
  4. A government publication
  5. All of these

Ans: E

2.  What might be described as an ‘image-based document’?

  1. A photograph
  2. A building
  3. A uniform
  4. A drawing
  5. All of these

Ans: E

3. What does ‘authenticity’ mean in relation to using documents?

  1. You have a hard copy of the document, not an online copy
  2. The document is the work of the person/organization credited with writing it
  3. The document has a date stamp on it
  4. All of these

Ans: B

4. What does ‘representativeness’ mean in the context of documentary research?

  1. The documents being used represent people from different minority groups and not just elite groups
  2. A full archive of documents is available
  3. The documents being used represent the entirety of documents (pertinent to the study) from which the sample has been drawn
  4. The documents being used are representative of a range of community languages

Ans: C

5. Why might artefacts such as clothing or crockery be useful in research?

  1. Some areas of experience do not involve the written word
  2. Some communities do not place importance on the written word (or did not do so in the past)
  3. In historical research it may be the only lens through which to examine people’s lives (especially ancient history)
  4. Artefacts are important components of social relations
  5. All of these

Ans: E

6. Imagine you are doing a study which involves asking working parents to keep a solicited diary of their reflections on juggling caring for their young child(ren) and work. Which of the following relate to the reliability of the diary method?

  1. It is a research tool which involves a lot of commitment from participants. Perhaps busy parents will forget to complete it or may not complete the diary regularly or in great detail
  2. It is a research tool which involves the expense of buying all participants a diary and pen. Can students afford this?
  3. It is a research tool which needs lots of participants to ensure it is reliable
  4. Would it be possible to recruit lots of busy parents as research participants?
  5. All of these

Ans: A