Counseling Across the Lifespan: Prevention and Treatment
Video and Multimedia
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Video Clips
#StrongerThanStigma - Sylvester Amick-Alexis Talks About Mental Health
This video clip features Sylvester Amick-Alexis talking about mental health treatment and recovery.
Breaking the Boys Code of Masculinity
In this Tedx video, Bill Pozzobon, describes the SafeTeen Agents for Change program. A program which invites the boys and men he works with to step into their full humanity with dignity and courage.
Unmasking masculinity -- helping boys become connected men
Dr. Ryan McKelley, in this Tedx Talk challenges men to eliminate phrases like "man up" or "stop acting like a girl." They should understand that opening up and being vulnerable is courageous.
Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity
An educational video geared toward adolescent males to systematically examine the relationship between pop-cultural imagery and the social construction of masculine identities in the U.S. at the dawn of the 21st century.
Mental Health of Young-Men and Boys in the African-American Community
Reginald Richardson, Ph.D., discusses mental health disparities and stereotypes facing African-American boys.
Health Disparities in Boys and Men: Influence of Masculinity on Health Disparities and Equity
This NIH video highlights current perspectives on innovations and opportunities to impact the health of boys and men at risk for disproportionate health outcomes.