Counseling Across the Lifespan: Prevention and Treatment
SAGE Journal Articles
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Article 1:
Perrone, K. M., Webb, L. K., & Blalock, R. H. (2005). The effects of role congruence and role conflict on work, marital, and life satisfaction. Journal of Career Development, 31(4), 225-238.
The impact of role congruence and role conflict on work, marital, and life satisfaction was studied using Super’s life-span, life-space theory. A conceptual model of relationships between these variables was proposed, and gender differences were examined. Participants were 35 male and 60 female college graduates who completed surveys by mail. Results indicated adequate fit for the proposed model. Results of gender analyses indicated that women in this study participated more in parenting and housework, whereas men participated more in career and leisure activities. Despite the differences in actual role participation, no gender differences were found regarding ideal role participation. Both men and women reported that the parent role was most rewarding. Implications for counselors and directions for future research were discussed.
Questions to Consider:
- What is the impact of using a sample of only college graduates on the results of this study and its application to other populations?
- Discuss possible reasons for the finding that work-family conflict was not significantly related to either life or work satisfaction.
- Describe how you believe culture affects role development, congruence and conflict. Provide examples from your own or varying cultural backgrounds.
Article 2:
Lee, N., Zvonkovic, A. M., & Crawford, D. W. (2013). The impact of work–family conflict and facilitation on women’s perceptions of role balance. Journal of Family Issues, 0192513X13481332.
This study investigated married women’s feelings of balance between their occupational and family roles. Data from 274 married and full-time employed women were collected and structural equation modeling techniques were used to assess the connection between their work and leisure lives, work–family conflict and work–family facilitation, and role balance. Women’s satisfaction with their experiences at work and at home, the time they spent in each sphere, and the social support they received from others in each domain were considered. Women’s satisfaction with their workplace and family experiences, most notably, spousal support, were positively related to feelings of role balance. The results of this study suggested that satisfaction with experience in one sphere is stronger and more important than the hours spent doing activities in that sphere when accounting for married women’s role balance.
Questions to Consider:
- Discuss the significance of gender and societal expectations when considering work-family conflict.
- What kinds of mental health issues may arise in this population and how may they be ameliorated in counseling?
- How may or may not these findings generalize to non-married women?