Counseling Across the Lifespan: Prevention and Treatment
Video and Multimedia
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Video Clips
Self Concept, Self Identity, Social Identity
This video clip from the Khan Academy provides an overview of the formation of a self-concept. The clip explains how we develop a social identity once there is an understanding that the self is different from others
Erikson's Psychosocial Development
This video provides a short synopsis of Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Development. A theory which outlines different stages of life from birth to death. By the Khan Academy.
Early Childhood Development and Policy in a Global Context
This video features Pia Rebello Britto, Associate Research Scientist at the Yale Child Study Center. In this video, Professor Britto talks about early childhood development and policy in a global context.
Child Well-Being: A Framework for Policy and Practice
This video features by the University of Chicago explores the connection between healthy child development and well-being, provides several frameworks for understanding the domains and measurable indicators of well-being, and consider steps that can be taken to improve well-being and developmental functioning.
Economic Case for Early Childhood Development
This TedXTC video by pre-Civil War Economist Art Rolnick makes the case for the monetary value of educating at-risk youth and provides lessons which impact our understanding of childhood development.
Audio Clips
Ecological Systems Theory and Child Development
A Psychology in Seattle Podcast which discusses ecological systems theory and child development. Please note this is a youtube link to an audio podcast
Child Development
Ariel Kalil, Professor of Psychology at the University of Chicago’s Harris School for Public Policy, discusses her research on child development with UC Davis Professor of Economics and Center for Poverty Research Deputy Director Marianne Page.